Eduardo Mendez's First Web Project
Creating a Web Page Using HTML Tags.
This section explains HTML and what is used for.
This is my first attemp at creating a Web page using HTML..
HTML. stands for Hypertex Markup Language. the code used for creating Web pages for the World Wide Web.
HTML allows us to create a Web document that is transformed into a Web page by a browser such as Mozilla Firefox.
HTML. was invented in 1989 along with th e World Wide Web by tim Berners-Lee.
This section describes the tags I have learned so far.
The new tags I am learning in this section is OL Ordered list and Unordered list.
- Head: This provides information about the Web page.
- Title: Defines the title of the Web site on the title bar.
- !--: Allows you to type a comment in the Web page.
- html: Defines to the browser that the page is a Web page.
- body: Defines to the browser the body of the Web page; this is the information that appears in the browser window (the actual Web page).
- h1: Defines the headings on the Web page. These are used as titles or sub-titles.
- Center: Center the text.
- hr: Defines a horizontal line.
- h2: Defines the headings on the Web page. These are used as titles or sub-titles.
- p: Defines a paragraph; this is used to create a blank line between paragraphs.
- strong: Defines bolded text.
- em: Defines emphasized text; this italicizes the text.
- ul: Defines an "unordered list"; this is a bulleted list.
- ol: Dedines an "ordered list", this is a numbered list.
In this next section, I will learn to use an ordered list. For example here are the steps needed for creating a Web page with XHTML.
- Open Notepad;you need a text editor.
- Save the Web page.
- Create a root folder;this folder contains all the files needed for the Web page or site.
- Save the Web page as:index.htm
- Create the Web page using XHTML tags.
- Save the page each time you add or correct something on it.
- Open a browser to view the page.
- Click File >Open File.
- Find your Web page.
- Open it and see how it looks!
Hyperlinks: The reason the World Wide Web was invented.
Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web and XHTML to share information between scientists on different computers system. He created Web pages that have hyperlinks
The tag for a hyperlink is , or anchor.
Here is an example for creating a hyperlink.
Tag for Inserting Images: img src
Inserting a image can be easy, only if we place the image in the right location where the browser can find it.
Here is the first image. It is of Mt. Everest.

Tags for Creating a Table
The following tags are used for creating tables; we will be using tables a lot in creating our Web pages.We use tables to layout the page;it is used to design the Web page.We also use tables to place objects on the browser; for example, we use a table to place our images.
- table. This tag tells the browser to start the table.
- tr.This tag tells the browser to start a table row.
- td. This tag is table data and is a individual cell.
Row 1, Cell 1 |
Row 1, Cell 2 |
Row 1, Cell 3 |
Row 2, Cell 1 |
Row 2, Cell 2 |
Row 2, Cell 3 |
Row 3, Cell 1 |
Row 3, Cell 2 |
Row 3, Cell 3 |
Web Publishing Course
Sweetwater High School
Last modified: 9 February 2010
Web page design by: E.M.